this blog may contain some random things that happens to the owner.

Sunday, January 13, 2013


gatau kenapa aku pengen cepet cepet kuliah

gatau kenapa kayanya aku bosen suasana SMA, padahal temen temennya asik dan nyenengin. dan aku rasa aku paling bahagia di SMA

gatau kenapa rasanya aku pengen buru-buru jadi maba di itb (amin)

gatau kenapa aku galau UN tapi juga pengen cepet cepet UN

gatau kenapa aku pengen buru buru tau hasil snmptn undangan

gatau kenapa aku kayanya bakal berat banget ninggalin sma 6, tapi aku juga pengen buru buru keluar dari situ

gatau kenapa orientasi aku tuh bukan belajar di sekolah tapi belajar di kampus

gatau kenapa aku ngebet pengen ngampus

gatau kenapa aku galau, mungkin karena aku gatau aku bakal masuk kuliahnya dimana

gatau kenapa aku pengen les bahasa aja, gamau les pelajaran

gatau kenapa aku pulang sore terus, ya pasti karena les sih-__-

gatau kenapa pr tuh nyiksa banget

gatau kenapa aku selalu lebih seneng belajar di tempat les dibanding sekolah. ya mungkin karena di tempat les ga ada ulangannya, ya kalo di sekolah pasti ada

kenapa aku jadi makin gatau

gatau kenapa aku nulis kaya gini

mungkin aku harus stop disini. mungkin kamu semua juga ngerasain hal yang sama kaya aku. mangits!
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Thursday, January 3, 2013

i'm on quandary

now, i'm on a big quandary.
do you know that this semester would be my last in senior high school?
i'm just feeling unconciousness, reckless, depressed, and really lot of mind.

come on! this is really bad when i don't even really adhere to one major.....

at first i want to be a city planner...
i will take 
on "perencanaan wilayah dan kota" major

but i thought i need the other choice. then i asked my mom for letting me study in central/east java. but she didn't let me to go there.
then i thought if i didn't pass on itb, i would really go into private university...........

suddenly, i thought that "arsitektur lansekap" on ipb

would be as great as "perencanaan wilayah kota". so i interest to enter that major.

one day, i asked my father for letting me study in central/east java.. without thinking a lot, he allowed me and i was feeling so happy. and my mom didn't have another choice, she have to let me.
in my mind, i choosed undip quikly.
i would choose "teknik perencanaan wilayah kota" there.

but now i have a doubt for choosing undip, i'm afraid that my mom won't be really agree of my decision for going out from west java....

so, i'm really confuse. i just don't know how to choose, i'm so zzzzzzzzzz. moreover my mom say that maybe PTK (perguruan tinggi kedinasan) will be perfect for me because if i have done my study from there, i would be a civil government employee. she suggest me to choose ipdn or stis. but i prefer to choose ipdn. because i want to manage this country, i want to make this country better, perhaps i want to be a president.....

oh my God! i have talked a lot here. i just want to share my problem. maybe you have the same problem with me. guten abend! bonne nuit a tous! xoxo

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my choice zzz

okay, this has been so long time since my last post.
do you know there are so many animals that some people dislike?
i will give you 2 examples of that animals
first is cockroach.......

the other one is worm.........
what you can conclude from the pics above?
i think you will conclude that i hate worm than cockroach... i don't even want to upload the real pic of worm. i just can upload the animated one.

i don't even like worm's body. it's kind of disgusting, invertebrata, and wth.-_____________________-

i prefer cockroach than worm. why? because when the cockroach's approaching, then you say "hush" to it, it will understand about your saying, it will stay away from you.
but, how about worm? i think you've have the answer, zzzz. worm will stay closer to you although you say "hush", and the greatest way to make it far, just slap it. and do you know how is its body when you slap it? it's undescribeable
this is why i don't like worm

last word, i will really enjoy my life with having cockroach as my pet or even having of museum of it. it is reasonable, isn't it?

so what's your choice? ._.v
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